Thursday, May 27, 2010

A site with interesting content.. and different too!

Recent studies has shown that people (youngsters especially, though other genre's are also included) waste their online time mostly in 2 types of sites: One, with videos.. Second, without videos. More precisely YouTube and Facebook among others.

Myself, being a boring kind of person who carries a daily newspaper and a monthly "Forbes" or "Entrepreneur" kind of magazine to office daily, I waste (if you want to call it) my time in something different from the above. Namely, Internet research (precisely searching for interesting data less known), online news and worldly updates, gadgets and lastly technology, the oxygen for me. Anything new, interesting has to be in my list of "to-visit-today" sites.

Recently I came across this f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s site related to innovation and business. Some of you might be knowing - (Technology, Entertainment, Design). The articles are awesome - you would love to go through the content of this site. Most Interesting part is the TEDtalks (Videos) which are primarily seminars by people on topics which would make you put on that dusty thinking cap.
You can reach the TEDtalks page through  and check out for yourself.

Well some sample video links for you, 

Hope you will love this site. Do share your bit of interesting sites here!

A random interesting share, stay hooked for more!

Monday, May 24, 2010

An accident which could have turned fatal.. Thanks to Mr. sleepy driver.

An accident which could have turned fatal... No its not the cab, which picks or drops me to my room (Thanks to Allmighty!!).. This is just one of the thousand cab that run 24/7 on the roads of the Tech Capital of India - Bangalore.

The incident which I am going to describe happened near to my flat (around Hebbal, Bangalore) on May 25 2010 around 4.AM (this is the time when I return from office). 
First look
 The upside down vehicle is well visible. At first sight the scene looked bloody and unpredictable. Later after some investigation I found that this was a regular cab for a IT company (name withheld) and was on the way to drop the employees. Both the employees were safe and received some minor scratches. The driver was the one who faced some bone pain but was pretty bloodyfree and in good condition. 

Closer look - Img 01
  Soon after the accident, though the driver was sent to a nearby hospital, as he complained of back pain. The employees were on their feet and was pretty much tensed on the happening. The driver and the employees escaped through the door where you can see the man in white shirt peeping in (in the above image).

A side view.
After having a chat with one of the employees, he revealed that "the driver was sleepy, which caused this accident", "he was speeding at around 100kmph and we were talking about the recent Mangalore flight crash when this happened all in a moment", he added.

The crushed driver seat.. lucky driver!!

Further investigation showed that the sumo had a full one or two somersault in the air before landing on the space beside the high drain. 

So how this happened??
First this pic!

Going from the right! - The main road, then the high drain and finally the space beside (truck bay)

Second, this video to clarify the above!


Finally this pictorial illustration!!
The blue block depicts the vehicle. The arrows describes the path of the accident. The ash color represents the road, deep grey - the high drain and green - the truck bay.

> [1] - Vehicle speeding around 100kmph, driver sleepy.
> [2] - Sudden steering to the left, hitting the high drain.
> [3] - vehicle somersaults in the air.
> and finally [4] - vehicle lands on the ground upside down!

Hope this helps!!!

Something to keep in mind!
<> Do wake the driver well in advance before starting your journey.
<> Give him ample time to freshen up, ask him to have a cup of tea or coffee!
<> If you feel the driver drowsing, engage him in conversations. 
<> Its better to walk or use public transport than to risk your live in such a cab.
<> This is very common among employees who chose office transport! Its your life!! Dont risk it! If necessary inform the appropriate authority and ask for a different driver!

Forward this post to create awareness. Just click "Email Post" button below!

Have a comment or a story to share! shoot them to me!

Issued in public interest!
DISCLAIMER: All data, illustrations are my personal creation and are not affiliated to any external source.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Not-so-comfortable instruction inside flight.

As mentioned in my earlier post, I had a flight to my native town. I reached the airport early, the next day and after sometime I was inside the flight. It was a pretty boring journey, the only companion i had was my MP3 player.
After some time of flying, suddenly I saw an instruction on the front seat which read "Use seat bottom cusion for flotation"

At first sight you might miss it, but if you think over this line for sometime, not-very-pleasant thoughts might adorn your mind.
Nevertheless this is indeed a pretty useful lifesaving instruction, specially in flights like this where no parachutes are provided in case of emergency (lol..), still this instruction is pretty unpleasant.
Just a random share. Stay hooked for more.!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Most weird excuse by a traffic police.

It was May 7th 2010, I was off to office on bike as i needed to return early to my room (I had a flight next morning) when all of a sudden my journey was disrupted by a Traffic policeman on account of violating traffic rule (I did not stop at red). Well it was actually not my fault. I was behind a loaded truck which blocked the traffic light above. When the truck crossed the signal it was green, when it was my turn hell broke loose and it was red.. 
Within moments he was in front of me and in the most filmi way he snatched the bike key which made me follow him to the pavement. 
He enquired for Driving license which I was prompt to handover. He checked while having a chat with me where I stayed, where I was going etc.. Later he exclaimed.. "Why dont you take a room near your office?? You would save petrol, energy and money which you are going to pay me!!" I found this line pretty amusing. He continued "200 Rupees!!". Immediately I asked him whether a challan will be provided? He was prompt to reply "sure" but asked me to wait for sometime. He had a brief talk on the walky-talkie and came back  saying "Sorry, challan cant be provided as it has run out of challan pages".
Now I was pretty amused (once again)  and was staring at him thinking what type of excuse was that.. Nevertheless he replied in some moments "150". I understood the situation and was on heels bargaining. I replied "fifty". He did not agree at first but later agreed but my bad.. I didnot had a fifty (in any combination) resulting in paying off a hundred bucks.
Ahhhh... he returned the bike keys and wished me a happy journey and a good day and I resumed my journey.

Huhh.. weird people, weird situations..